Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
18th Global Recycling Expo, will be organized around the theme “Advocating Waste Disposal and Recycling Practices for Clean and Green Environment”
Recycling 2020 is comprised of 21 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Recycling 2020.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Environmental chemistry is the study of those changes that have had an effect on both living organisms and non-living matter in the environment. These impacts may be felt on a local scale, through the presence of stratospheric ozone or global warming. However, it is important to realize that all forms of matter in our environment whether synthetic or natural are made of chemicals.
Atmospheric Chemistry
Organic Geochemistry
- Environmental Chemistry of Trace Elements
Reduce: this entails the deliberate lowering on the amount of plastics an individual uses in their day to day life.Recycle: The basic phases in recycling are the collection of waste materials, their processing or manufacture into new products, and the purchase of those products, which may then themselves be recycled. Recycling can help reduce the quantities of solid waste deposited in pollution of water, and waste disposal.
<li style="\"box-sizing:" border-box;\"=""> Bioethers
- Bio-derived polyethylene
- Lipid derived polymers
Plasma arc gasification
- Natural resource
- Geothermal energy
Bioremediation of radioactive waste
- Bio-augmentation
Plastic pollution\r\n
- Land pollution
<li style="\"box-sizing:" border-box;\"="">Motion-picture technology
biomass fraction\r\n
- Bio-oil upgrading
<li style="\"box-sizing:" border-box;\"="">Thermo-chemical conversion\r\n
Waste Management, we care about the planet. We feel a responsibility to leave it to future generations in better shape than we were given it. Discover some of the imaginative ways that we're turning waste into a resource for a brighter, more
Environmental indicator
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Conversation of Biodiversity
- Celestial mechanics
- Broadcasting
<li style="\"box-sizing:" border-box;\"="">Geodetic
Plasma arc gasification
n Electrohydrogenesis\r\n
- Soil-based
- Biosensor
- Advanced Oxidation Processes
- Gasification
- Carcinogenic
- Solid Waste Management
fossil fuels are not only key drivers of climate change, but also major sources of air pollutants. Furthermore, many black carbon, sulfate aerosols. They have significant impacts on the climate; black carbon and methane in particular are among the top contributors to global warming after CO2.
spread of industrialization
- Global warming