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4th Global Recycling Expo, will be organized around the theme “Don’t throw it away, it could be utilized in a few different ways”

Recycling 2022 is comprised of 21 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Recycling 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

By definition, a circular economy is healing and regenerative. This means that instead of being used once and then wasted, materials flow continuously around a 'closed loop' system. In the case of plastic, this entails preserving the economic worth of the material while preventing pollution of the environment.

Bioremediation works by encouraging the growth of bacteria that feed on pollutants such as oil, solvents, and pesticides for food and energy. Contaminants, as well as innocuous gases like carbon dioxide, are converted by these bacteria into little amounts of water.
The correct temperature, nutrients, and foods are required for bioremediation. The lack of these elements may cause the cleaning of pollutants to take longer. Unfavorable conditions for bioremediation can be improved by adding "amendments" to the environment, such as molasses, vegetable oil, or just plain air. These changes improve the environment for bacteria to thrive, allowing the bioremediation process to be completed faster.
Bioremediation can be done "in situ," or at the contamination site, or "ex situ," or at a location other than the contamination site. If the environment is too cold for microbial activity to thrive, or if the soil is too rich for nutrients to be distributed evenly, ex situ bioremediation may be required. Ex situ bioremediation may include excavating and cleaning the soil above ground, which could increase the process's expenses significantly.

Wastewater treatment is the process of removing impurities from wastewater and converting it into effluent that may be recycled back into the water cycle. Once returned to the water cycle, the effluent has a low environmental impact or can be reused for a variety of uses (called water reclamation). A wastewater treatment plant is where the treatment takes place. Various types of wastewater are treated at wastewater treatment plants of the proper type. The treatment plant for domestic wastewater (also known as municipal wastewater or sewage) is known as a sewage treatment plant. The treatment of industrial wastewater takes occur in either a separate industrial wastewater treatment plant or a sewage treatment facility (usually after some form of pre-treatment).Agricultural wastewater treatment facilities and leachate treatment plants are two more types of wastewater treatment plants.

Phase separation (such as sedimentation), biological and chemical processes (such as oxidation), and polishing are all frequent procedures. A form of sludge is the most common by-product of wastewater treatment plants, which is normally treated in the same or another wastewater treatment facility. If anaerobic treatment procedures are applied, biogas can be produced as a by-product. Some wastewater can be processed thoroughly and repurposed as recovered water. The basic goal of wastewater treatment is to ensure that treated wastewater can be safely disposed of or reused. However, before it is treated, the alternatives for disposal or reuse must be examined so that the wastewater is handled properly.

The term "solid waste management" refers to the process of collecting and handling solid wastes. It also provides recycling options for products that do not belong in the rubbish or trash. Garbage or solid waste has been a problem for as long as people have lived in communities and residential areas. Waste management is concerned with how solid waste can be transformed and turned into a useful resource.

Every household, including business owners all around the world, should adopt solid waste management. Industrialization has brought both good and negative things to the world. Solid waste generation is one of the negative consequences of industrialization.
"Solid waste management refers to the collection, treatment, and disposal of solid waste that has served its purpose or is no longer useful. Unsanitary conditions can result from improper municipal solid waste disposal, which can lead to contamination of the environment and outbreaks of vector-borne disease (diseases spread by rodents and insects)."

Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable biomass sources such vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, and recovered food waste, among others. Some bioplastics are made from natural biopolymers such as polysaccharides (e.g. starch, cellulose, chitosan, and alginate) and proteins (e.g. soy protein, gluten, and gelatin), while others are made chemically from sugar derivatives (e.g. lactic acid) and lipids (oils and fats) from plants and animals, or biologically from sugar or lipid fermentation. Common plastics, such as fossil-fuel plastics (also known as petro-based polymers), on the other hand, are made from petroleum or natural gas. Bioplastics accounted for about 0.2 percent of the worldwide polymer market in 2014. (300 million tons). Despite the fact that bioplastics are not commercially viable, research on the subject continues.

Bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) are dynamic systems that combine the removal of pollutants from wastewater with the generation of electricity using the interaction between microorganisms and solid electron acceptors/donors (e.g., an electrode).

Under the banner of "microbial electrochemical technologies (METs)," microbial fuel cells are extended to a variety of applications such as wastewater treatment and biobased product manufacture in addition to bioenergy. If the reducing equivalents created by substrate degradation are employed to treat both complex organic and inorganic contaminants in wastewater instead of electricity, the procedure is known as bioelectrochemical treatment (BET). Bioelectrochemical therapy offers the potential to overcome the limitations of conventional treatment techniques while also reducing the complexity of contaminants. This chapter presents an in-depth look at BET for wastewater remediation, as well as the mechanisms involved in treating the pollutant via bacteria respiration in the presence of solid electrodes via direct and indirect oxidation.

Systems for recovering heat from waste. Capturing and transporting waste heat from a process using a gas or liquid back to the system as an extra energy source is one form of waste heat recovery . The energy source can be used to generate electrical and mechanical power as well as generate extra heat.

After the process's heat need has been met, any excess or waste heat is expelled as exhaust in many heat- and electricity-generating processes. Because heat is moved from higher to lower temperatures according to thermodynamic laws, the temperature of a process's waste heat is invariably lower than the temperature of the process itself. The temperature of the waste heat and the amount of heat produced are the two most important elements in assessing the feasibility of heat recovery. The heat-flux density (rate of heat flow per cross-sectional area), the nature of the surroundings, the temperature of the heat, and process-specific considerations—such as the pace of cooling, which in some industrial processes must be regulated.

A material is used or reused if it is used as an ingredient in an industrial process to generate a product (e.g., distillation bottoms from one process used as feedstock in another process) or if it is used as a viable alternative to a commercial product (e.g., spent pickle liquor used as a sludge conditioner in wastewater treatment).

Recycling that entails the direct placement of wastes or products containing wastes (e.g., asphalt including petroleum-refining wastes as a component) on the soil is known as "use constituting disposal." "Burning for energy recovery" is a type of recycling in which a hazardous waste is burned for its fuel value (either directly or when it is used to produce a fuel).

Metal recycling has the advantage of being able to be recycled multiple times without losing its qualities. Aluminum and steel are two of the most commonly recycled metals. Silver, copper, brass, and gold, for example, are so expensive that they are rarely thrown away to be recovered for recycling.

Ferrous (having significant levels of iron) and non-ferrous metals are the two main forms of metal, both of which can be recycled. Steel and iron are regularly recycled ferrous metals; in fact, at SL Recycling, we recycle over 25,000 tonnes of ferrous metal each year! Aluminium, brass, titanium, and copper are examples of non-ferrous metals.
End-of-life automobiles, demolition waste, catalytic converters, and other sources of recycled metals are among them. We accept scrap metal from a variety of customers at our Waste Transfer Station, ranging from small local businesses to national corporations.

Recycling your industrial waste, whether hazardous or non-hazardous, has numerous advantages for your company. Recycling saves you money by reducing the expenses of discarding unneeded materials and byproducts. Recycling can provide you with a consistent and reliable source of income. Recycling can help your organisation meet its environmental goals while also improving its reputation with local governments and the general public.Let's have a look at some of the strategies that can be employed to accomplish this:

1.Breaking down the waste:
Industrial composting systems are becoming more popular as an environmentally beneficial alternative to landfills. Microorganisms are employed to break down biodegradable organic waste into usable goods. In some places, the by-product of this procedure is also used as an alternative fuel. Composting is now practised in most Western countries, and it is required in a few of them.
2.Burn it to make it:
Some materials can be melted down to create new items. Take plastic bottles, for example: they can be turned into clothing-grade polyester! The problem with this procedure is that the amounts of undesirable compounds rise with each consecutive process. This process is frequently used to recycle industrial transformers, oil filters, and huge containers.
3.Hot treatment:
To some extent, most waste materials contain energy. By heating the waste at high temperatures with restricted oxygen availability, this energy can be utilised for cooking, heating, and creating steam. The energy content can also be converted into alternative fuels using this form of thermal treatment.
4.Harnessing the Harmful Gas:
Although recycling encourages people to avoid using landfills altogether, landfills are still extremely widespread because dumping rubbish in an abandoned location is so cheap. As a result, the hazardous landfill gas is caught and used to generate fuel or electricity as part of resource recovery.
5.Reclaiming the Waste:
Waste is treated and usable material is removed during reclamation. Mercury, for example, can be collected from damaged thermometers. Batteries and paint can both be used to recycle lead. Many previously used solvents, such as acetone, can be distilled and reused.

The majority of human activity produces waste, which is unavoidable. Economic development and rising living standards in Asia have resulted in an increase in the quantity and complexity of waste generated, while industrial diversification and the provision of expanded health-care facilities have added significant quantities of industrial and agricultural hazardous waste and biomedical waste to the waste stream, potentially posing serious environmental and human health risks.

Agricultural activities such as farming, animal rearing, and aquaculture all produce residue. Composting is one of the more environmentally friendly ways to manage organic waste while also improving soil fertility and structure. Agricultural waste recycling should be enhanced in order to develop the economy, safeguard the environment, conserve natural resources, and foster a shared environmental vision.

It is vital to bring attention to the possibilities associated with agricultural waste recycling. It's also crucial to figure out the best way to turn agricultural waste into usable material in order to boost productivity, benefit the environment, and save energy. In addition, a significant amount of research on food waste should be conducted with the goal of recovering energy or other vital linked goods.

Paper recycling is the process of converting waste paper into new paper products. It offers a number of significant advantages: It prevents waste paper from entering people's homes and releasing methane as it decomposes. Because paper fibre includes carbon (which was absorbed by the tree from which it was made), recycling keeps the carbon locked up and out of the atmosphere for longer. In the United States, almost two-thirds of all paper products are now recovered and recycled, albeit not all of it is recycled into new paper. The fibres become too short to make new paper after repeated processing, which is why fresh fibre (from sustainably farmed trees) is frequently added to the pulp recipe.


The processes and actions necessary to manage trash from its inception to its final disposal are referred to as waste management (or waste disposal).  This comprises waste collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal, as well as waste management process monitoring and control, as well as waste-related laws, technologies, and economic systems.

Solid and hazardous waste management, recycling and resource recovery, and soil pollution prevention and remediation technologies are all included in the soil media category. Municipal solid waste, like municipal water treatment, is subject to a high level of regulatory burden due to public policy issues surrounding trash management. The technologies required by this industry are determined by the composition and qualities of the waste produced. In 2017, the solid waste and recycling business in the United States generated $97.7 billion in revenue, primarily from waste management services. The recycling sector is driven by material market demand, and its growth is influenced by commodity prices and other economic variables.

In order for lithium-ion batteries to be widely used in electric vehicles, the automobile industry will need more natural resources. The predicted rapid growth in battery demand may create new resource constraints and supply-chain problems. Circular economy techniques are required to improve the resilience and sustainability of automotive supply chains while also reducing primary resource requirements. To better understand current and future flows of cobalt contained in electric car batteries across the European Union, material flow analysis is used. New technologies appear to be the most promising options for significantly reducing cobalt reliance, however they may result in burden shifting, such as an increase in nickel demand. To avoid this, technological advancements must be matched with an effective recycling system.

Only 60% of this waste is recycled, according to reports on India's situation. However, segregation and re-aggregation of plastic waste streams such as packaging waste, especially laminated plastic, is a big difficulty.One of the effects of excessive plastic consumption is the development of plastic garbage, particularly through single-use products. According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Indian cities created 9.47 million tonnes of plastic garbage in 2017.

This was due to the fact that around 70% of plastic packaging products are transformed to waste in a short period of time (CPCB 2018, MoHUA2019). Plastic trash creation is anticipated to rise to 31.4 million tonnes by 2031 and 55 million tonnes by 2041 (Statista 2019), indicating a pressing need to solve the growing plastic waste problem in our country.

Plastics were created as a blessing, but single-use plastics or those that are too expensive to collect and recycle, along with a lack of knowledge and poor solid waste management in cities, have resulted in littering and eventually reaching the ocean from land-based sources. There are still difficulties in recycling collected plastics, as well as environmental problems linked with improperly managed plastics.

E-waste is a colloquial term for electronic items that have reached the end of their "useful life." Electronic products include computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines. Many of these items can be reconditioned, repurposed, or reused.However, an increasing amount of e-waste is no longer regarded to be goods that have failed or become obsolete.

Technological advancements are accelerating at such a breakneck pace that many electrical items that are still functional are now considered obsolete.
Consider how many VCR players were replaced when the DVD player was introduced, and how DVD players are now being replaced by Blu-ray players. E-waste is created when a product is powered by electricity and someone believes they can make a better version.
We care about this because unwanted electrical equipment have been filling landfills all over the world for years.
  • AI Sorting
  • Plastic-munching Bacterial Species
  • Depolymerization
  • Micro emulsion
  • Triggerable Smart Polymer Material Systems

Advanced recycling is a long-term, environmentally friendly process that uses science and technology to transform wasted plastics into new items that may be recycled again and again.

We need to use new recycling technologies known as "advanced recycling" (or "chemical recycling") to recycle them. More types of discarded plastics (3-7) can be recaptured and remanufactured into new plastics and goods with these technologies, which complement traditional mechanical recycling methods.

Corporations and established recycling businesses are already making large investments and constructing infrastructure on a commercial scale to move toward a circular economy for plastics. It's vital to support these efforts if we want to use our resources more responsibly, such as plastics, and keep them out of the environment where they don't belong.

Plastics are low-cost, lightweight, and long-lasting materials that may be easily moulded into a variety of objects for a wide range of purposes. As a result, over the previous 60 years, the output of plastics has expanded dramatically. However, present levels of use and disposal result in a slew of environmental issues. Around 4% of global oil and gas production, a non-renewable resource, is utilised as feedstock for plastics, with another 3–4% needed to provide energy for their production.

Plastic is used to make disposable packaging and other short-lived products that are discarded within a year of creation.

One of the most essential measures currently accessible to mitigate these impacts is recycling, which is also one of the most dynamic areas in the plastics business. Recycling reduces oil consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, and the amount of waste that must be disposed of. In this section, we briefly compare recycling to other waste-reduction measures, such as downgauging or product reuse, the use of alternative biodegradable materials, and energy recovery as a fuel.

Advances in technologies and systems for collecting, sorting, and reprocessing recyclable plastics are opening up new recycling opportunities, and it may be possible to redirect the majority of plastic trash from landfills to recycling over time if the public, industry, and governments work together.