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Elena Cristina Rada

Elena Cristina Rada

Research Professor
University of Trento


Elena Cristina Rada- Degree in Energetic Engineering with environmental and economic specialization in 2002, University Politechnic of Bucharest, Romania;PhD title in 2005: PhD in Environmental Engineering and phD in power Engineering(Co-tatele)University of Trento, Italy and PhD in Energy Engineering University Politechnic of Bucharest Romania with final dissertation on municipal solid waste bio-drying before energy generation. Post.doc in sanitary Engineering 2006-2007 University of trento, Italy.

Research Interest

Collection of municipal waste Biodrying of municipal waste, municipal waste residues and other biomass waste Biostabilisation fractions of municipal waste Anaerobic digestion of biomass waste (manure, organic waste from separate collection of municipal waste, dregs) Energy recovery from waste and biomass waste by thermochemical processes Remediation techniques for contaminated sites Environmental impact (and health) of waste management and industrial activities: minimization of impact pathways, in particular with reference to the inhaled and the interaction between emissions and protect the quality of agricultural products Alternative treatment of sewage sludge Minimization of human exposure to polluted through innovative methods for indoor and outdoor environments: traffic, domestic heating, etc.