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Vincenzo Naddeo

Vincenzo Naddeo

Department of Civil Engineering
University of Salerno


Vincenzo Naddeo, is assistant professor at Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Division (SEED) of the Department of Civil Engineering (DICIV) of Salerno University.?He was a visiting professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering & Science Program, University of Washington, WA USA, (2009). He has received a PhD in Civil Environmental Engineering from the Salerno University, SA Italy, (11/2002 - 04/2005). He has completed his M.Sc. in Civil Engineering - Hydraulic sector - at University of Salerno (09/1996 - 05/2002).?He is expert of the European Union from 2007 in the seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7). Since 2006 he is the secretary of the Ph.D school in Civil Environmental Engineering at University of Salerno. He is the responsible of n. 5 Erasmus agreements and 4 research project. He was visiting scientist at different foreign research institution where he collaborated with high-ranking professor, the main institution are: (i) Indian Istitute of Technology (IIT) of Dheli (India); (ii) University of Mumbai (India); (iii) University of Cairo (Egypt); (iv) National Research Center (Egypt); (v) Engineering Faculty at CUJAE (Cuba).?He is author of over 50 papers in international journals, congress proceedings and books; he have 3 patents on water and wastewater treatments by sonolisys. He is member of the International Water Association (IWA) and the Italian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Professors

Research Interest

At present he is working on: conventional and innovative AOPs water treatment process for disinfection, NOM removal, DBPs control and emerging contaminants removal; application of ultrasound process in water and wastewater treatments; implementation of the EU water framework directive 2000/60; odours impact assessment.