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Young-Cheol Chang

Young-Cheol Chang

Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology


Young-Cheol Chang has received his PhD and Post-doc from Gifu University. Currently, he is working as Associate Professor in Muroran Institute of Technology. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as Research Associate at University of Central Florida, USA from December, 2000 to November, 2003. He has authored two books.

Research Interest

Young-Cheol Chang research interests includes Microbial removal of pollutant (Petroleum, heavy oil, inorganic chlorinated compounds; PCE, PCBs) in environment bioremediation of heavy metals, development and separation of the effective microorganism. Purification of enzymes related to the PCE dehalogenase and PCBs-degrading bacteria. Biological treatment of CCA from wood wastes.